SMS Sending Jobs

Earn Money by Mobile

SMS Sending Jobs in Salem


Total Applications : 108
Job Id: sms_salem
Requirement : mobile/computer/laptop

Industry : Digital products
Function : Customer Service / Call Centre / BPO
Roles : Internship job

SMS sending job the best part time work which can be done with the help of smartphone as well as mobile. In SMS sending work the employee has to send different types of promotional and transactional message using the software which can be provided according to the requirement. There are total 108 vacancies are available online those candidates who are looking for sms part time work can apply it using the registration form. Note only those applications are eligible who have registered according to the send of SMS sending work in their location. Other application will be rejected if they do not fulfill the requirement of the job.
The format of application will be in simple form and must be a local area we accept only those application which belongs to

Frequently asked question about work from home job

How do you provide sMS number?

No we do not provide SMS number you have to use your own contacts for sending message.

What type of AD do I have to share in message?
We will provide you all the detail about the advertisement which you have to share using your smartphone.

Do I have to share same message Delhi?

No we provide message detail channel and you have to copy that message and send it to the customer.

SMS Sending Jobs